Family Dentistry in Bedford
Everyone in your family deserves attentive, friendly, and age-appropriate oral care. Our family-friendly approach to dental care helps ensure good oral heath for you, your kids, and anyone else who wants to live a healthy life—whatever the age.
Children’s dentistry
A lifetime of healthy teeth—and good oral health habits—begins early. We prioritize children in our family-friendly clinic by creating an atmosphere that they’ll fee comfortable in, by engaging with them on their level, and by offering services that most matter to young, developing teeth. Kids should enjoy their visit, and leave with a better idea of how to care well for their own teeth.
A sealant is a clear, non-toxic resin that we apply to teeth to act as a protective barrier between the tooth and all the lifestyle and food choices that can lead to tooth decay. The process is as simple as applying the sealant with a small brush, and drying it using a blue LED light. It’s a fast and simple treatment that can reduce the risk of cavities by nearly 80%.
Because we need to monitor the growth of a child’s adult teeth—which are hidden for so long in the child’s jaw—we need to use X-ray imaging more often for kids than adults. Our X-ray machines use a low level of radiation to take pictures of your child’s teeth, gums, and bone to be sure that there are no problems brewing that we can’t see with our bare eyes—like cavities and impacted teeth.
Wisdom teeth removal
For the vast majority of us in modern times, our jaw simply isn’t big enough to accommodate our third set of molars. If we don’t remove them, these teeth can cause problems like crowding. We prefer to remove wisdom teeth before they’ve emerged, using a local anesthetic and a sedative, and then close the incision with sutures.